2023年英文拼字比賽 English Spelling Bee 將於11/13中午12時舉行,歡迎踴躍報名!
四、字彙程度:中級英文(約本校大一英語分級B level),參考用單字表
七、獎金: 第一名NT$2,500 第二名NT$1,500 第三名NT$1,000
1. 參賽者12:00~12:15需抵達應試教室並完成報到手續(攜帶學生證)。
2. 將進行三輪比賽,由主持人唸出單字後,參賽者以口頭拼出主持人所唸出的單字
※ 第一輪(35位參賽者)
A. 若參賽者無法在20秒內口頭拼出單字將淘汰
B. 參賽者可要求主持人重複念單字或以例句提示(只限一個單字)
C. 本輪取積分最高的7位參賽者晉級 *依當日參賽者人數修改回答秒數,例如:當日僅有10位或少於10位參賽者出席比賽,每位參賽者可有兩次回答的機會,若兩次機會都答錯則淘汰
※ 第二輪(7位參賽者)
A. 主持人唸出5個單字,參賽者需於20秒內口頭拼出
B. 本輪比賽採取積分制,答對一題累計一分
C. 參賽者可要求主持人重複念單字或以例句提示(只限一個單字)
D. 本輪取積分最高的4位參賽者進入決賽
※ 第三輪(4位參賽者)
A. 主持人唸出5個單字,每位參賽者需在20秒內口頭拼出
B. 本輪比賽採取積分制,答對一題累計一分
C. 參賽者可要求主持人重複念單字或以例句提示
D. 依積分多寡產生冠、亞、季軍
Spelling Bee
Date: Monday, November 13, 2023, 12:20-14:00 Duration: 1 hour and 40 minutes
Eligibility: Freshmen in the Language Center
Purpose: To encourage students to improve their vocabulary, spelling and listening skills in context of a fun, oral-spelling competition, with the chance of winning cash prizes!
Vocabulary used: Mostly appropriate for B level students.
Limits: Maximum 35 students may register.
Duties: One host/scorekeeper; two judges
Prizes: 1st place NT$2500 2nd place NT$1500 3rd place NT$1000
Format: In all three rounds, all words to be spelled will be given orally by the hosts and must be spelled orally by the entrant.
•First round: Maximum 35 students.
(i) Each student is asked to spell a word. If a student cannot spell the word asked within 20 seconds, she/ he will be eliminated. *
(ii) A student may ask for one word to be repeated and used in a sentence.
(iii) Once all entrants have been asked to spell a word, the process is repeated until seven students remain.
* Rule (i) may be amended, depending on the number of contestants. For example: If 10 or fewer students enter the competition, each contestant may be given a second chance, whereby a student may misspell one word but will be eliminated upon the second misspelled word.
• Second round: Seven students.
(i) Each student is asked to spell five words, with a time limit of 20 seconds per word asked.
(ii) Students amass points for each word spelled correctly.
(iii) A student may ask for one word to be repeated and used in a sentence
(iv) The four highest scores proceed to the final round.
• Final round: Four students.
(i) Each student is asked to spell five words, with a time limit of 20 seconds per word asked.
(ii) Students get a point for each word spelled correctly.
(iii) A student may ask for two words to be repeated and used in a sentence.
(iv) The winner is the student with the most points.