
【線上團體競賽】2022英語讀者劇場比賽 English Reader Theater Competition 報名至5月13日止,限10組參賽,額滿為止喔!

我要報名 Registration

原定5/19舉辦之英語讀者劇場比賽(English Reader Theater) 改為線上Teams舉辦。


  • 活動宗旨:為提升校園英文學習風氣,增進學生英語口語情境表達技巧,特舉辦全校性英語讀者劇場比賽。
  • 主辦單位:語文教學中心

  • 參加對象:本校所有大學部學生

  • 比賽日期:111年5月19日(週四)

  • 比賽時間:12:00-14:00 (12:00入場,12:15開始)

  • 報名方式:網路報名 或 學校語文教學中心(大典館2樓)報名。

  • 比賽地點:遠距Teams

  • 報名日期:至5/13(五)止

  • 比賽方式及規則:

  • 參賽團體以10組為限。每隊參賽學生以3至8人為限。

  • 表演內容不限,以不違反善良風俗為原則。主辦單位將提供5種參賽劇本(請於報到時或email : criatl@dep.pccu.edu.tw索取)或可由學生自創或改編,如為參考原著或使用他人劇本應註明出處。參賽劇本於報名時繳交。

  • 學生參賽演出時,須攜帶劇本內容上臺,違反規定者得予以取消比賽資格,成績不予計分。參賽之劇本由各組自行影印,且需與送件參賽的劇本相同。

  • 演出時間以5~7分鐘為限,緩衝時間「前後各30秒」,即4分30秒至7分30秒尚不扣分。演出不足4分30秒者,每少10秒鐘,扣總平均1分(未滿10秒以10秒計),以此類推。演出超過7分30秒者,應立即停止演出下臺;如繼續演出者,每超過10秒,扣總平均1分(未滿10秒以10秒計),以此類推。

  • 比賽當天中午12:00開始報到,12:15開始正式比賽,比賽結束時仍未報到者視同棄權。

  • 若參賽者報名資料填寫不實或由他人頂替參賽,則取消比賽資格。如得奬者經檢舉並查證屬實,將取消得奬資格。

  • 評審:由主辦單位邀請三位老師或專家擔任評審。

  • 評分標準:

  •  劇本詮釋與故事呈現(35%)。

  •  發音、語調、聲音表情(45%)。

  •  團體默契和整體表現(20%)。

  • 獎勵方式:優勝組別,每組除獎金乙份外,每位成員可獲得獎狀乙紙。


  • 注意事項:

(一) 評分若有同分情事,由評審討論裁決。

(二) 各獎項參酌實際情形得以從缺。

(三) 活動聯絡單位:語文教學中心,

    聯絡方式: (02)2861-0511#24405或Email:criatl@dep.pccu.edu.tw。



1.Aims of the activity: To promote the atmosphere of English learning at school and students’ expressing skills in English.

2.Organizer: Language Teaching and Learning Center

3.Eligible target: All the CCU undergraduate students

4.Date: 12:00-2:00 p.m., Thursday, 19th May 2022 (Participants should check-in at 12:00.  The contest begins at 12:15)

5.Venue: Microsoft Teams (Online)

6.Registration: Register online or Please come to Da-Dian 203 (Language Teaching & Learning Center)

7.Registration Date: Until May 13th (Friday)

8.Timing and Rules:

   a.A group should be composed of 3-8 participants. The maximum group for the contest is up to 10.

   b.The organizer will provide 5 drama scripts. Please select one from them when you come to Da-Dian 203 for registration or email : criatl@dep.pccu.edu.tw to ask for scripts. Besides, you can find a good drama script

      you like or compose a new one. If you take someone’s drama script as a reference, please cite the source and submit your script when registering.

   c.Please bring the drama script for your performance on the stage or your participating eligibility will be canceled. Moreover, make sure the script you perform is the one you submitted to the LTL



      - Each performance should be between a minimum of 5 minutes and maximum of 7 minutes.

     -There are 30 seconds time buffer for each performance. In other words, points will not be deducted for every performance between 4 min 30 sec and 7 min 30 sec. However, if the performing time

        is less or more than the range, the group will be deducted 1 point of the total score every 10 seconds.

      (e.g. deducting 1 point for 10 seconds, 2 points for 20 seconds, etc.)

   e.Your information for registration should be factual or your eligibility will be canceled.

9.Three judges will be invited by LTL Center for the competition.

10.Grading Criteria:

   a. Expression (35%)

   b. Accuracy, Intonation & Facial expressions (45%)

   c. Teamwork & Performance (20%)


1st Place: NT 4,000

2nd Place: NT 3,000

3rd Place: NT 2,000


a.  If groups get the same scores, judges have the authority to award the prize.

b.  The prize will be awarded according to the actual condition of the contest.

c.  Contact information:    Language Teaching and Learning Center   ( Email: criatl@dep.pcc.edu.tw  Tel: (02)2861-0511 #24405 )
