【個人競賽】2023英文說故事比賽 Storytelling Contest 即日起至5/2止開放報名,限20名參賽,額滿為止喔!

English Storytelling Contest


2023英文說故事比賽 English Storytelling Contest

  • 日期:112年5月4日(週四)
  • 時間:12:00-14:00(參賽者請於12點入場,比賽於12:15開始)
  • 地點:大典003教室
  • 參賽資格:本校學生皆可參加
  • 時間及規則:

         (1)每則故事4-6分鐘 (請勿少於4分鐘或超過6分鐘)











  • 獲獎獎金(遴選三名):






                                                              2023 English Storytelling Contest

                Date: May 4th (Thursday), 2023, at 12:00-2:00p.m.  (Participants check-in at 12:00pm)

Place: Room 3, Da-Dian Building Competition begins at 12:15 pm

  1. Eligibility: The Contest is open to all the PCCU students
  2. Timing and Rules
  1. A minimum of 4 minutes and maximum of 6 minutes
  2. Individual competition
  3. Participants will be expected to have memorized their stories. Story reading will not be included in the 
  4. Find a good story that you like. It could be a folk tale or legend, a favorite book, or a family story.
  5. Make sure you speak clearly.
  6. Look for and bring out emotion in your story: happiness, sadness, apprehension, etc.
  7. Good luck! Have confidence and go for it! 
  8. Total 20 students
  1. Registration will be open from now on until May 2nd.
  2. Grading Criteria

   Content and Structure 50% (Content 30%, Organization 20%)

Performance 30% (Gestures 10%, Body language 10% Facial expressions 10%)

Speech 20% (Accuracy 10%, Fluency 10%)

            5.  Awards

                 Top three winners will receive a certificate and cash prize

                 1st Place: NT$2500

                 2nd Prize: NT$1500

                 3rd Prize: NT$1000